quinta-feira, 21 de janeiro de 2016

Tempo-Espaço podem ter sido um arco-íris logo após o Big Bang

Interessante para fazer ponte com o que Adamus abordou no Shoud de Outubro de 2015 ( ler aqui em português), mais ainda se pensarmos nos Raios da Criação...

Usem o tradutor do browser ou do google para ler em português .

Space-time May Have Been A Rainbow Shortly After The Big Bang

January 20, 2016 | by Stephen Luntz
photo credit: Just as a prism can split white light into a rainbow based on energy, spacetime may be able to do the same to matter, although today the spread is too small to measure. Mmaxer/Shutterstock

A paper in Physics Letters B suggests that matter's energy determines how it interacts with space-time. Particles travel through the modern universe much like light through a vacuum, but shortly after the Big Bang they might have resembled photons encountering a glass prism, with energy levels determining the way matter and space-time interact.
White light can form rainbows because it is composed of photons of different energies, which we see as different colors. A prism bends these so that all the photons of a particular energy are together, producing a spectrum. Professor Jezry Lewandowski of the University of Warsaw has proposed a way that space-time could act as a prism to create a matter rainbow, creating a rigorous version of the idea hinted at by Thomas Pynchon's popular novel Gravity's Rainbow
"Two years ago we reported that in our quantum cosmological models, different types of particles feel the existence of space-times with slightly different properties,” Lewandowski said in a statement. "Now it turns out that the situation is even more complicated. We have discovered a truly generic mechanism, whereby the fabric of space-time felt by a given particle must vary depending not only on its type, but even on its energy,"
Physicists today are struggling to reconcile the theories of both general relativity, which so far has proven successful at explaining the behavior of gravity at large scales, and quantum mechanics, which has proven stunningly successful on the scale of the very small.Quantum theories of gravity attempt to bring these two together, proposing particles that act as messengers of gravitational fields, but have so far been unable to produce a comprehensive model.
Space-time, as the name suggests, combines three-dimensional space with time as a cohesive thing. General relativity presents it as inherently bound up with gravity.
Co-author Andrea Dapor noted, "Today there are many competing theories of quantum gravity. Therefore, we formulated our model in very general terms so that it can be applied to any of them.”
When the authors quantized their model, assuming that only specific discrete values are possible, they found the processes they modeled behaved in the same way as if space-time is classical, where any values are possible. Other than under extreme energy conditions, quantum space-time behaves like classical space-time.
"This result is simply astonishing,” said first author Mehdi Assanioussi. "We start with the fuzzy world of quantum geometry, where it is even difficult to say what is time and what is space, yet the phenomena occurring in our cosmological model still look as if everything was happening in ordinary space-time!"
Under most circumstances particles of different energies' interactions with space-time are so similar the differences are undetectable. However, under the right conditions, such as just after the Big Bang, a sort of space-time prism could have been produced, dispersing particles by their energies into a type of gravitational rainbow. Testing is a challenge, however, since in today's universe the rainbow is so narrow that only particles larger than anything produced in the Large Hardon Collider would show a measurable effect.

Fonte: http://www.iflscience.com/physics/spacetimes-rainbow

sábado, 16 de janeiro de 2016

Cristalinar 2016

Cristalinar 2016

É o novo projecto E.V.E.A. enquanto Escola Ascensional.

Ascensão é um ponto de abertura, uma frequência, uma volta na espiral da Criação, uma experiência de Consciência.

O projecto Cristalinar visa estabelecer pontes entre os diferentes reinos, entre os diferentes aspectos de expressão da criatividade da Alma.

Fazendo a Integração. 
Conhecimento destilado em Sabedoria da Alma.
Abrindo as portas da Mente Sagrada.
Vivendo no Corpo de Luz.

É um projecto de Consciência.
Trazendo o sonho mais perto, permitindo a experiência dos reinos cristalinos na nossa realidade cada vez mais.

Com o reconhecimento da Sabedoria atemporal que já está disponível neste planeta, formas de conhecimento que se exploram e se percepcionam cada vez mais com renovada clareza, descobertas científicas e revelações que apontam para essa forma de viver límpida e livre.

É mais um ponto de encontro entre humano e divino.
Um espaço seguro além do caos exterior.
Sim, através de uma Plataforma Cristalina.

Teremos um encontro mensal, ou de 3 em 3 semanas, presencial ou não, em que será abordado um tema diferente  para experiência, vivência, depuração, integração. * energia e vibração, * tradições esotéricas e herméticas, * Leis cósmicas e a Nova Energia, * Consciência e os Mistérios, * Teologias, Teosofia,...* do Oriente ao Ocidente, da terra ao céu, do mar à montanha... os elementos...* etc... whatever feels right :D
Levar o conhecimento e a experiência à metamorfose dos reinos cristalinos!
Do Discípulo ao Iniciado.

Pura Consciência

Sem pré-requisitos que não seja a vontade de Ser Consciência /  Fusão de Humano e Divino / Mestre da Nova Energia. 
Patrícia Almeida
Estrela da Vida Estrela da Aurora