segunda-feira, 6 de junho de 2016

Noite Cristal


Na Shaumbra Magazine deste mês, Geoffrey Hoppe do Crimson Circle fala sobre sonhos e sobre como Adamus mencionou recentemente que a maior parte das pessoas fica nos reinos da mente devido ao peso da consciência de massas.


A Noite Cristal é oportunidade de nos lembrarmos desse potencial - sempre disponível - de ir mais além e de nos conectarmos com a nossa Alma, nos reinos da liberdade, nos r
einos cristalinos. Porque não?
Nos reinos mágicos da VIDA,
uma respiração de compaixão
na brisa suave
o Canto da ALMA.

P A X.

«Adamus mentioned something very interesting the other day at the Threshold event in Tuscany. He said that the gravity of mass consciousness has become so strong that even in our dreams, most humans are staying in the mental realms.
We chose to incarnate at this time to bring in consciousness to Earth, and along with consciousness comes sensuality and creativity. In the past few years Adamus has talked at length about the importance of going beyond the human senses and mind. He’s stressed the importance of imagination. He’s said that “art will change the world,” meaning that our creative and sensual nature will be like lights to the world that has gone very mental and gray. 
Dreams are for dreaming… going out beyond the mental realms whether in your nighttime dream state or for imagining your heart’s desires. Before you go to sleep at night, make a conscious choice to “dream beyond” the gravity of mass consciousness, into the angelic and crystalline realms. Before you say “that is not possible” to your heart’s desires, make a conscious choice to imagine into possibilities that defy mundane everyday life. »