sábado, 5 de maio de 2012

5-5-5 É dia de superLua Cheia

Celebrando  aqui com oo trailer de um filme Time of the Sixth Sun com entrevista de Geoffrey Hoppe e canalização de Tobias, também a presença de Drunvalo Melchizedek, anciães e outros.
Aqui, no site oficial do filme, o que Tobias acrescentou sobre a importância deste filme nesta nova era de consciência.

E um artigo publicado no Facebook sobre o perigeu da Super Lua Cheia de Escorpião, lembrando que é a a Lua de Wesak, os desafios e potencias associados - em inglês (mas podem usar o google translator): 

PERIGEE SUPER FULL MOON (in Scorpio) MAY 5th 2012

by Sky Sheridan on Thursday, May 3, 2012 at 6:35pm ·
It is time for powerful life-transforming ceremony and illumination.  This Scorpio Full Moon is also called the Wesak Moon, the most auspicious day in Buddhism, for it celebrates the birth, enlightenment and death of Buddha.  In this energetic opposition between Taurus and Scorpio, we are all called to the great union with Nature and the heavens, celebrating the Divine within Nature and within ourselves.  Like the Buddha, we are called to acknowledge the divine spirit in our human nature as we overcome and release the emotional demons that plague us and separate us from our spiritual inheritance.

This Taurus/Scorpio Full Moon asks us to become aware of the people and things we give the highest value to, and to look at the emotional trauma that keeps us apart.  It’s time to question our values and beliefs about money, power, happiness and our connection to each other and to the Earth.  There are powerful forces at work determined to keep the old system alive, regardless of how many people and places it destroys.  But we are equally powerful, and the Cosmos is lending us energy to break-through our paralysis and stand up for our beliefs. 

There are so many issues that come to the surface with this Full Moon in Scorpio /Taurus. Many of them have been highlighted in the past few months. Besides the Sun/Moon opposition, there is the Mars /Neptune opposition which have been with us for a few months by now. Our actions are still not where we want them to be. We make plans, we try hard, and yet for some reason when it’s time to actually manifest, we end up with a diffused product. We are angry and we don’t know why, we want to change things and we don’t know where to start. We feel tired unexpectedly, and many have the feeling of loosing trust with themselves and with the world.

The Scorpio Full Moon stresses truth and emotional truth. Scorpio rules what is hidden and at the core of an issue. All souls, structures and systems must recalibrate to a higher calling of Truth. We are entering the Age of Truth, the Age of Empowerment. Pluto, Scorpio’s ruling planet teaches us about power. How we use power. How we get power. How we own our power and/or how we give our power away.

The Scorpio Full Moon is revealing the hidden motivations, hidden agendas and important truths about the misuse of power and our resources worldwide.  We are changing from short-term, shortsighted gains to long-term, life-enhancing goals.

The power is with the individual. The power is with individuals coming together in groups— power teams. From the grass roots up, we are transforming the world from darkness into the Light. Remember that action speaks louder than suffering. Do what empowers you.

We can use our desires to raise Consciousness. This Full Moon is also known as “Wesak” – celebration of Buddha’s birth & enlightenment.  We are reminded to attune ourselves to Buddhic/Christ level Consciousness. This level of facilitates the expansion of consciousness beyond separative individuality and a union with others as the Divine within all. This level brings happiness, bliss and expansion of love in all our relationships with ourselves, each other and the world.
